
A Roadmap for Canada’s Battery Value Chain

Building a national strategy for critical minerals and green battery metals

June 2022
Bentley Allan, Lyle Trytten, Stephen Campbell, Zarko Meseldzija, Jonathan Nielsen, Jamie Deith, Eric Pelletier, Liz Lappin, Alexandra Fischer, Matt Beck, Mitchell Smith, Pong Leung, Juli Rohl, Ian London, Matthew Fortier, and Moe Kabbara
What must be done today to build a Canadian battery metals industry that will be a significant contributor to Canada’s long-term prosperity? This report argues that to seize its enormous opportunities in the battery metals value chain, Canada needs a bold national strategy, roadmap, and action plan. The report lays out clear timetables and targets for electric vehicle, battery, and metals production and an action plan designed to achieve them. The action plan also aims to help create an integrated Canadian battery supply chain, leverage foreign investments into homegrown capacity, and build a vibrant innovation and industrial ecosystem. It argues that the midstream is the linchpin of the supply chain and that initial efforts should focus on the chemical production processes needed to produce battery active material from Canadian critical minerals.

The report was published by The Transition Accelerator with the Battery Metals Association of Canada, Accelerate, and the Energy Futures Lab.

Cite this document:

Allan, B., Trytten L., Campbell, S., Meseldzija, Z., Nielsen, J., Deith, J., Pelletier, E., Lappin, L., Fischer, A., Beck, M., Smith, M., Leung, P., Rohl, J., London, I., Fortier, M., and Kabbara, M. (2022). A Roadmap for Canada’s Battery Value Chain: Building a national strategy for critical minerals and green battery metals. Transition Accelerator, Battery Metals Association of Canada, Accelerate, and Energy Futures Lab.

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